How many minutes a day would you as a Healthcare Professional, spend on simple administrative tasks? How many hours per week? Per month? It’s frightening to extrapolate and realise just how many hours of your billable time is spent on simple but essential tasks like data entry. Additional to your time, it’s likely that your practice would employ a number of support staff whose primary roles are administrative jobs like filling in forms and filing paperwork. That’s a lot of man-hours adding up to a huge financial cost to your practice - and an inefficient use of your time.Financials aside, a great electronic medical records system must free up some of your time to practice as a Healthcare Professional, and not as an administrative clerk.
For example, a properly embedded and executed speech recognition technology that doesn’t rely on the clinician for its training will mean you’re saving time and money manually taking notes and producing letters. Browser based features, like a favourites system, to minimise the number of clicks means quicker scripts or investigation requests. Other examples include a mobile application that provides you real time access to critical and non-critical data, or the ability to interrogate your data. These are just a small handful of cases where utilised resources ultimately improve the level of healthcare provided.
Another great outcome from utilising cloud technology is the time saved from online patient registration. Technology like our Patient Portal system lets patients fill in their details ahead of an appointment. This simple act alone can dramatically cut the hours and workload of reception staff – and any reduction in time spent on these tasks can mean better long-term results for your patients.
Simple, powerful solutions to time-consuming issues in your practice.
Cloud technology is the new frontier for the primary healthcare sector. Digital tools like these are only the beginning of the journey and one of the most exciting advantages in my opinion is the ability to integrate solutions together, and maximise the efficiency of a small medical practice for just a few dollars a month.
To really make the most of current technologies – smartphones, tablet, cloud software, speech recognition – and the efficiencies they can bring, you need to align your practice with innovators in this space.
Here’s what to look for in an e-medical records system that will save your practice time and money:
- Low cost accessibility and mobility
- Voice recognition – high quality technology, specialised to recognise medical terms
- Patient registration – a system that allows patients to fill in their own details online
- Full financial visibility of your practice with accounting system integration
- Cost-effective and scalable to your practice
- Seamless integration with Medicare
- Air-tight online security, with a reputable provider
- Secure messaging integrations
- SMS and email integrations
- Xero accounting integration
Clinic to Cloud was born out of the need for HCPs to spend more time being HCPs and less time acquiring IT server and LAN (local Area Network) knowledge.