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Logging into the Patient Portal

This guide will explain how to log into the Patient Portal.  

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Logging into the Patient Portal

Watch this short video for a demonstration on logging into the Patient Portal, or continue scrolling to the written instructions.

This article is intended for patients of medical practices using the Clinic to Cloud Patient Portal.

Brief Overview

The Patient Portal is a special feature for practices that use Clinic to Cloud software, which enables them to communicate effectively and enhance the experience of their patients.  There are many ways that a practice can set up the Patient Portal for you to use.  This article explains how to log into the Patient Portal for a patient or a carer.


The Short Version

  • For new patients, follow the link from the email that was sent to you by the practice and set a password.  
    • Review and accept the Terms and Conditions and complete your profile.  
  • For returning patients, go to https://patientportal.clinictocloud.com.au/login to login and enter your Email and Password.
    • If you have forgotten your password, follow the Forgot Password? link on the login page.  


  1. Log into the Patient Portal.
    a.  If this is your first time logging into the Patient Portal you will need to set a password.  Your practice will send you an email with a link to set your password and complete your registration.  

    Note: If you have lost your email invitation, please contact your practice to have a new link sent.

    b.  If you have logged into the Patient Portal before, go to patientportal.clinictocloud.com.au, enter your Email and Password, and click Login.

    Note: If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password? link.  

    1. login to PP
  2. If you have access to any other patients, or have access to your record at multiple practices, you will be presented with a list of options.  Select Enter on the record you want to access. 

    2. choose patient

  3. If this is your first time logging into the Patient Portal, or if you have not yet Completed Your Profile, you will need to complete this step before getting to your home page.  
    a.  Review the Terms and Conditions.  Tick the two boxes to agree to the Terms and conditions, and click Accept.  
    3b. review t&cb.  Review and update the Personal Details, Contact & Numbers and Medicare & Insurance Cards sections, and click Complete Registration.  


    Note:  If you need to return and finish this at a later date, click Log Out and you will be returned to this screen when you next login.  3c. complete details

    c.  Your profile has now been completed and you can start to use the Patient Portal.  Use the Further Reading links below to discover how to use the features of the Patient Portal.  
    3d. profile complete, home page

Further Reading