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A meeting of the minds - Staff Retreat

We hit the road around 4pm on Friday for some team building and bonding as well as our annual strategy and ideas forum.

The teams presented, planned and discussed ideas of how to make things even better than they are already. We have come a long way but like climbing any mountain we still have a long way to go and we will not rest until we are at the top. It was very encouraging to hear the ideas, creativity and suggestions from all members of all teams - we are very fortunate to have our team members.

I was also good to reflect on all the achievements since we began the journey three and a half years ago. Clinic to Cloud is the market leader for cloud based clinical and practice management software in Asia Pacific and offers Australia's only fully featured cloud based practice and clinical management solution on the market today. Voice recognition, mobile apps, patient portal, xero integration, all secure messaging vendors centrally hosted, in addition to the full suite of claiming (bulk bill, DVA, ECLIPSE, Patient Claims, Private Invoices, Workcover claims and multiple fee uploads) just to name a few key features. All backed up and available 24/7 using the best technology at Microsoft Azure.

Clinic to Cloud is available on a browser with Mac or PC, smart phones, tablets and even smart TV's if you like.

I am proud of our team, we have done things that were only recently considered not possible. Our mission is to continue to be at the forefront of innovation providing healthcare professionals the tools to achieve better patient care through a rapid schedule of research and development. Our product roadmap has features that will change the way that medicine is practiced and the business of a practice is operated, by providing the tools to both the practice and the patient that will change the healthcare landscape forever.

I thank all of our staff for sharing the vision and for making the product what it is today.

If you want to practice modern medicine or join The Clinic to Cloud team, just contact us today.

Ready to transform your medical practice?
Rafael Niesten
I look after the day to day aspect of all things Clinic to Cloud, and enjoy working with our team to ensure we have the happiest clients in the world. In my spare time, I'm usually riding my bike, doing stand up comedy, jamming with my guitar or hanging out with my two girls.